The Spirit of the Dragon Tribes
Wisdom and Guidance from the Dragons of Higher Light

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Available starting February 22, 2025
“Not only is this a lovely message about creating our lives with our thoughts, it is also a timely reminder that we are not alone in any of this!
"We are in a time of great change and I, for one, welcome the assistance of the Dragon tribes!”
- Sally, Light Bearer
“These Dragons come across as wise, compassionate guides eager to share their knowledge with those on a spiritual journey.
The Dragons’ messages are uplifting and empowering, addressing practical concerns . . . "
- Bernadette Wulf, Author, www.CelticMysterySchool.com
Open that great and ancient door in your spirit
that leads to your own higher vision of the Dragon tribes,
and allow their wisdom and insight flow to you
Are Dragons real?
If they are real, why are they always pictured as dangerous?
Where do Dragons come from?
If they help us, what do they help us with?
What are their missions, as far as Earth and individual people are concerned?
Could I have a Dragon friend or counselor? How would I create that?
In this introductory book on Dragons, numerous Dragon tribes of the Light speak on:
Their origins . . .
Their missions on Earth and amongst the galaxies . . .
The Angel guides they receive their missions from . . .
Their Love for humanity . . .
In each chapter, the Dragon tribes of the Light answer questions from Light Bringers, offering compassion, higher wisdom, and higher energies to assist us in gaining more courage, grace, and soul power.
Benefit from Dragon wisdom:
How the Dragons assist our and Earth’s Ascension
Connecting with the Dragon tribes, and finding a Dragon friend and guide
Dragon wisdom on NESARA Law
Dragon wisdom on Money and Debt
Dragon wisdom on Creating What We Desire
Dragons and Ascended Masters
Dragons and Angels
Intergalactic Dragon Missions: Prophets and Warriors, Healers and Ambassadors
Join the Dragon Tribes they take us on a journey through history, our present Earth time, and our unfolding potential for the next few years
Available soon
Messages from the Spirits of Abundance

Learn how Abundance flows, manifests, and responds to your energies, as the Spirits of Abundance guide you to fully claim your co-Creative power
In each chapter, the spirits of Abundance address real-life issues with compassion, higher wisdom, and higher energies that aim to assist us in releasing the blockages that hold us back from claiming the Abundance that is naturally ours, including:
The Problem with Calling in Money to Fulfill "Need"
Defining True Wealth
Increasing the Flow of Money Energy in Your Life: Money Speaks
Creating Multiple Money Channels
Bringing Through the Abundance That is Being Withheld
Reaching Beyond the Dense Training of Family and Culture
How Money Prefers to Be Treated
Moving From Surviving to Thriving
Tap into the portals to greater Abundance that are right inside your spirit.
New Earth Journeys

Channeled from the Collective, the fourth book in the Fifth Dimensional Life series, New Earth Journeys, answers crucial and timely questions, sent in from Light Bringers all over the world.
Each chapter begins with a powerfully pointed question.
The Collective then offer compassion, supportive energies, and practical guidance, leading us to view our current Earth life challenges from the calmer, wiser perspective of our higher selves.
With loving encouragement, this group of higher beings speak to immediate issues of concern, such as:
Feeling numb during times of crisis and accelerated inner growth
Moving from fear to love
Waiting to hear the truth from the mainstream media
Viruses, jabs, and coming into your power
Staying in love, joy, and wonder
The power of your presence
Stepping up in a time of crisis
Collective consciousness and assisting others on their path
Galactic assistance with healing Lady Gaia
Raising children in tumultuous times
Respecting another’s path and staying calm around their energies

Lennon Speaks
Lennon Speaks: Messages from the Spirit of John Lennon brings us back into the company of one of the most influential musicians, artists, and activists of the 20th century.
Each chapter begins with a question about current issues, as well as about the Earth life we knew him in, and personal and spiritual growth during times of adversity.
Supported energetically by the group of higher beings known as the Collective, Lennon offers encouragement and higher wisdom in areas such as:
Earth’s real history and the current Earth changes
Waking up from the hypnosis of modern life
Music as a portal to higher dimensional experience
How emotion helps determine what we create outwardly
Maintaining courage in the face of health or financial stress
The ET presence, and the UFO he encountered one evening in New York City
Abundance For All
The first book in the Collective's Fifth Dimensional Life series is
Abundance For All: The Lightworker’s Way to Creating Money and True Wealth.
Full of higher energies and insights, each chapter offers much-needed higher insights, wisdom, and practical direction on abundance issues.
Topics include:
Dealing with the energies of the current money system
Changing your Abundance blueprint
Releasing hard-work-and-struggle programming
And more

The Ascension Manuals
The Ascension Manuals – Part One and Part Two, were the first books channeled from the group of higher dimensional beings known as the Collective.
In these collection of channelings on different topics in modern life, each chapter carries a special gift of Light and higher energies, to assist you in handling whatever challenges you are facing.
They offer higher wisdom and guidance on issues such as:
Improving relationships
Finding your life purpose
Improving health
And many other issues along the Ascension path

The second book in the Fifth Dimensional Life series is
Connections: The Collective Speak on Romance and Friendship.
Each chapter answers a question from a Lightworker on how to navigate a challenge they are having with a spouse, friend, or romantic partner.
With each answer, the Collective guide us to see ourselves and our connections with others in a whole new, much higher Light.
Topics include:
Dealing with unrequited love
Finding friends who are on your wavelength
Creating true and authentic partnerships
The co-Creative power of sexuality
Breakups, divorce, and releasing those you love, and more
*An Italian translation of Connections
is also available on Amazon: Connessioni.
Earth Life Challenges
The third book in the Collective’s Fifth Dimensional Life series is Earth Life Challenges: The Collective Speak on Dealing with Trauma and Life Changes.
Each chapter begins with a question from a Lightworker who is dealing with a difficult life issue — and in this book, sometimes it’s a traumatic one.
The Collective’s thoughtful answers address each issue thoroughly. Their guidance also connects us to our life purpose, and helps us to view the events of our lives from a much higher perspective.
With loving encouragement, they offer empowering energies and wisdom on areas such as:
Dealing with intergenerational trauma
Being shut out by a loved one
Facing Earth troubles and disasters
Discovering your life purpose
Living through a dark night of the soul
Dealing with grief
Dealing positively with illness and disability, and more
This is the higher guidance so needed now,
full of the magic and healing Light of the higher realms,
delivered in down-to-Earth terms.
Adventures in Belfast
Visit the town that built the Titanic -- and the country that has given the world some of its finest plays, poetry, music, acting, and storytelling, in Caroline Oceana Ryan's first-person account of life in Belfast after the 1998 Peace Agreement that ended the modern version of Ireland's Troubles.
Adventures in Belfast brings you into the heart of Northern traditions, beliefs, storytelling, political wrangling, and everyday life.
These are down-to-Earth scenes of a complex culture, and the forces that have divided it for centuries.
A story of both ordinary and extraordinary people, caught up in a time of amazing transition.