An Intro to Channeling
Receiving the Wisdom and Energies of
the Higher Realms

An Intro to Channeling
Module #1
Opening to Receive a Flow of Higher Light

Energetic support, training, and higher guidance in areas including:
Deciding who or what kind of being you would like to channel from
Discerning between lower vibrational entities and higher ones
Your channeling gifts—bringing through supportive wisdom and being a transmitter/translator of higher energies
A Meditation Journey into the Solar Light Being who is our Sun Sol
Opening the door to connecting with the higher being(s) who are best for you to channel from
Module #2
Working from a Calm, Meditative, Receptive State

Energetic support, training, and higher guidance in areas including:
Accepting the role of channeler and releasing feelings of unsureness
Entering into a calm and meditative state where channeling can happen
Channeling in your own way—through visual art, music, automatic writing, speaking, facilitating healing, or other modalities
An Energy Clearing to Release Interfering Energies / Entities, past or current life trauma around channeling
Asking the being(s) you are channeling about situations you have experienced
Caroline shares about how she started channeling and her early experiences of it

"Call in only those beings who are in service to Divine Love, and who desire your higher good."
"Call forth only those who are in alignment with what you desire to channel—the energies, information, and format that is most in alignment with your own vision."
- The Collective
Module #3
Practicing Receiving Telepathically:
The First Steps to Channeling

Energetic support, training, and higher guidance in areas including:
Practice telepathic communication and/or information “download” with a crystal, plant, or animal
What energies do you desire to bring in?
What areas of wisdom are most important for you to channel now?
A Meditation to Work with Presences in the Higher Realms, as well as with your crystal, plant, or animal friend
Spoken and written channeling—finding your preference, trying new formats
Module #4
Caroline Shares Her Own Experiences of Channeling for Others

Energetic support, training, and higher guidance in areas including:
Practice telepathic communication and/or information “download” with a crystal, plant, or animal
What energies do you desire to bring in?
What areas of wisdom are most important for you to channel now?
A Meditation to Work with Presences in the Higher Realms, as well as with your crystal, plant, or animal friend
Spoken and written channeling—finding your preference, trying new formats
Module #5
A Pre-Recorded Q&A:
Channeled Answers the Original Participants' Questions on Channeling

In this pre-recorded video, the Collective and the Spirit teams of the first participants to use this program answer questions regarding their personal Channeling journeys.
This video includes the energy work offered these participants—embedded in the recording, to assist you in releasing obstacles such as self-doubt.
Many find that their questions are often the same as these original participants’ questions.
As you listen, let yourself absorb both the wisdom of the answers, and the energetic support offered, to assist you in your life path as well as in your channeling journey.
Special Gifts
Guided Meditation journeys embedded with higher energies,
to add more Light and support for your path
All music channeled by Sanaya Roman of OrinDaben.com, from Thaddeus, an Angelic Being
Go here to read or download the ebook
An Intro to Channeling
What people are saying about Intro to Channeling . . .
"Thank you truly, for providing the opportunity to do this.
I listened to the first three recordings this morning.
What a wonderful and touching experience!"
Erin, Michigan
“Caroline’s Intro to Channeling is a very generous, comprehensive course that has propelled me forward with my channeling abilities.
This course truly delivers!
Caroline, you are a blessing to all out there wishing to channel.”
Lucy, Florida
“I feel excited to have the opportunity to do your course.
I'm feeling some resistance and a lot of overwhelming emotions are coming up from seemingly nowhere.
I see that the Collective help with this in your second video.
I really enjoyed it, thank you!
I think Melchizedek came to me. I couldn't perceive if he was communicating anything, although I felt an overwhelming energy of love.
I'll keep practicing and do the next video!”
Helen, UK