Today's message is another excerpt from the new book channeled from the Dragons of higher Light: The Spirit of the Dragon Tribes: Wisdom and Guidance from the Dragons of Higher Light. The book is available now to preorder for Kindle, and releasing in paperback and Kindle versions on Friday, February 28. See below for info on how to claim your Preorder Gifts!
Enjoy the Dragons' presence, felt in their words and in the supportive higher energies embedded throughout the book!

The Spirit of the Dragon Tribes Wisdom and Guidance from the Dragons of Higher Light
Now available for Preorder
Each chapter of the book begins with a question from a Light Bringer, asking about the Dragons -- their origins, their roles and missions, how they help us as we Ascend -- or asking for their input on a particular issue. This excerpt is from Chapter 9 - "Dragon Wisdom on Money and Debt":
A Lightworker asks: I was listening to Caroline’s latest channel about NESARA and I could feel my heart dropping.
I understand that this has been on the table for decades, and I imagine that people have made decisions based on believing that this is coming soon.
I wonder how many have spent outside their means with this belief.
I recently encouraged a young woman to take on much debt to get through college, because she wanted to go so badly. I believed that the situation with educational debt will have changed by the time she is finished.
I am starting to get concerned about that, because things are moving so much slower than I had earlier believed.
Did I mislead this young woman? She is devoted to what she is studying, and also, her debt is quickly becoming prohibitive.
How do we make sound choices that move us forward, especially with educational and other debt?
The Silver and the Golden Dragon tribes answer:
Yes, we are aware of this conundrum.
As far as how people are affected by the thought of NESARA and the Abundance it will bring, several things are happening.
On one hand, people are opening to the idea of increased Abundance, because that which is promised to come with the enactment of NESARA is going to transform all areas of life on Earth, including personal finances.
And so, those aware of NESARA are all expecting that far more money will flow into your communities and your individual lives at some point. Which is wonderful to image, as it is vibrationally uplifting.
Yet it is possible to lean into an upcoming time of no debt, educational or otherwise, and find that influencing your current financial decisions.
Those moments can indeed take you out of the present moment.
Many are making plans and creating decisions based on the Abundance that will flow to them in future, when in fact, the hour of NESARA’s enactment is unknown.
And so, we do not advocate making financial decisions with the expectation that NESARA and its many financial blessings will occur any time soon. It may take some time yet till that announcement is made to the world, and it is always best to treat one’s resources with self-control and consideration of where one’s finances are at the moment.
Yet we do not criticize your encouragement of this young woman, to study what she loves.
Debt is a strange situation, intentionally created as a lever to “prove” apparent lack of Abundance energy.

As if there were Abundance in the heavens, yet a strange lack of it on Earth. As you know, that cannot be! There is no disconnection between the world of pure Light and energy currents, and the physical world.
Debt was written into Earth cultures as a form of holding humanity in a place of constraint, in feelings of smallness and limitation. Of not being or having enough. Yet we are greatly encouraged to see so many of the Light throwing off this very old and heavy cloak, and seeing it for the lie that it is!
Regarding the debt this young woman has incurred by devoting herself to a program that requires a large investment—this is not a definitive statement on her life. It does not define her, any more than an illness or disability of some kind can ever fully define someone.
Each person is so much more than the label put upon them by their society! Your powerful souls consider these so-called limits simply interesting experiences to learn from.
You will find that your own intuitive leanings will guide you to the right decisions, if you will open to hear or see what that guidance is.
Please know that this young woman had already decided, before incarnating, that she would undertake this course of study.
She knew she would need some assistance in believing that she could achieve this goal, and so she wrote into her life chart not only the plan for study, but the occurrences such as the conversations you had with her, in which you would encourage her to borrow, if that was necessary for her to study what fascinated her and called to her as part of her life path.
NESARA has far less to do with that decision than you imagine, even though you may have used that impending development to encourage this young woman to borrow tuition money.
Each person’s path, including this young person’s, has to do with many things beyond attaining one or more academic degrees. It has to do with fulfilling their visions for their life, including at times, taking calculated risks that will indeed have effects later on down the road, yet which again, do not entirely define them.
Their choices, whether or not you or anyone influences them, still place them in the position of taking full responsibility for their life.
In feeling that you encouraged her to do something that will weigh her down and make her life harder in future, you are unconsciously taking on the weight of what this woman has volunteered to take on, both before incarnating and after. You are taking on those parts of her life journey that look to be unwieldy and unfair from your viewpoint, blaming yourself for the weight of them.
At present, humanity is still in a place of inequality on the Earth plane, and as you come into an Earth life, this is part of what you take on, amongst other challenges.
Those who find that they must take on what can amount to considerable college loan debt, often find themselves entering professions that may not pay enough to make repayment possible or relatively easy to handle, without inhibiting the shape of their daily lives.
Those who created this system did so to create a great space between the “haves” and “have nots.”

This is a very old ploy to increase economic class separations, amid feelings of loss and separation from those who do not naturally have the means to enjoy times of creative or academic study.
Yet you are seeing the end of this and all other social and economic traps on your planet, despite efforts to the contrary!
We would say, that regardless of when NESARA will be fully enacted, it is vital to respect the path that this dear one has taken on, of her own choosing. You did not convince her of anything, particularly given her high motivation. She knew what she wanted. She was just hesitant to begin the first steps for achieving it.
She will find her way through that particular forest, in addition to other paths that seem uncertain at times. And she will create genuine moments of fulfillment and Joy, not only because she has decided to study, despite the financial cost, but because she will emerge from her time of study a more determined and decisive person overall. She will then be someone who knows the risks involved in pursuing one’s dreams, yet follows that path, all the more determined.
This is not a strength or an out-picturing that you or anyone could ever give to this young person, nor could you deny her it. She has created it on her own.
Affirm often, “I AM full of financial Abundance, and I have more than enough money to pay off all of my debt easily now! I give thanks.”
You ask how one can make sound choices that move one forward, especially with debt, and we would say that at this time on the planet, you are still in the place of having to weigh advantage over disadvantage.
Yet you will find that your own intuitive leanings will guide you to the right decisions, if you will ask for higher guidance, then open to receive and trust that guidance.
Each person’s path differs from another, in terms of guidance received.
Yet we would say, do not allow yourself to feel bad about debt, however it has come about. Forgive yourself for those moments when you spent money when it was perhaps not the wisest choice. Move forward from this point, with the clarity that you will only take on that which serves your higher good, no more and no less. Your Spirit team—and your powerful soul!—will guide you in this and all things.
As you look at the numbers that represent your “debt,” which is in truth, an apparition and a false construct from beginning to end, assure yourself, “I AM full of financial Abundance, and I have more than enough money to pay off all of my debt, quickly and easily now! I give thanks.”
Affirm this whenever you feel the tug of unsureness, inwardly.
And if you will remember that really, there are no wrong turns, only moments of learning and guidance, you will find yourself full of support, not accusation or guilt, for the risks that you take . . .
Copyright Caroline Oceana Ryan 2025
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