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A Message to Lightworkers - February 25, 2025

Writer's picture: ascensiontimesascensiontimes

Today's message is another excerpt from the new book channeled from the Dragons of higher Light: The Spirit of the Dragon Tribes: Wisdom and Guidance from the Dragons of Higher Light. The book is available now to preorder for Kindle, and releasing in paperback and Kindle versions on Friday, February 28. See below for info on how to claim your Preorder Gifts! Enjoy the Dragons' presence, felt in their words and in the supportive higher energies, embedded throughout the book!

Now available for Preorder
Now available for Preorder

Each chapter of the book begins with a question from a Light Bringer, asking about the Dragons -- their origins, their roles and missions, and how they help us as we Ascend. This excerpt is from Chapter 2 - "Dragon Tribes: Their Colors and Missions": A Lightworker asks:​ Two days ago I happened to look into the clouds, which I do often, not always expecting to see anything, but because I love seeing the different formations.  But on this day I saw a White Dragon appear.  The energy was so beautiful. She had a feeling of being related to water and ice, but there was such a deep feeling of Love in my chest.  It was a very pleasant surprise.  What are the different colors of the Dragon clans, and what do they represent?  I feel the Dragons are, as many elementals, a part of the Faery Kingdom. And I find their energies to be very powerful.  I love how they are still so revered at large in our society, even when presented via mythology or stories, e.g., the Game of Thrones series. 

The Blue, the Emerald Green, and the White Dragon tribes answer: 

Greetings, friend! We are pleased to offer answers to your questions. We would say, that the image you saw in the clouds was not only a symbol of our presence, but the spirit presence of an old friend you knew long ago. Your Spirit guides and higher self guided you to see such. You have had connections to several Dragons who were friends and special guides in other lives, on other timelines. And so—your memory is returning in “the Light of 10,000 Suns”—the Divine Light that Earth is being bathed in now. Regarding tribes and their colors, we are many! There are a number of tribes who will appear in various colors—Green, Blue, Gold, Silver, White, Black, Yellow, Gray, Red, and so on, as well as the Rainbow tribe. Other tribes present in more subtle colors, from a number of color spectrums. Colors are powerful carriers of vibration. And so, the coloring of a particular tribe can often indicate the vibration a tribe represents, in terms of their connections to particular Angelics, Light Rays, and higher level missions. Dragon tribe missions may be planet-based, galactic in nature, or intergalactic and Universal in nature. The Golden Dragon tribe and the Silver Dragon tribe, for example, represent the higher reaches of the etheric. They directly serve those whom you think of as Mother Goddess / Father God, which are Earth expressions of Creator Source Energy. These tribes do not stray from their appointed missions and duties, particularly where a planet’s evolvement and Ascension to a higher dimension is concerned. The other colors can, though not always, represent a tribe’s connection to the corresponding etheric Ray. They connect easily to the areas of consciousness that that particular Light Ray is involved in. And so, the Golden Ray relating to Father God and the Silver Ray relating to Mother Goddess (to put things in those terms for a moment), will indicate that the Dragons of those tribes serve the Most High, in terms of consciousness and the well-being of Creation and all its forms. The Golden and the Silver Dragon tribes have been called to work on very high levels of intergalactic business now, including assisting in the evolution of Earth and your Sun Sol. They are at turns ambassadors, counselors, energy workers, prophets, warriors, energy healers, and Peacemakers. 

The crystalline energies speak via tonal vibration and telepathic transmissions, offering healing and higher learning.

The Blue Dragon tribe takes on missions aligned with the Blue Ray of Higher Light, including Creational efforts and resources, higher learning, Divine Justice, and the Grace of the Angelics, including the Archangels, and the Ascended Masters.

You will note that Mary, Mother of Yeshua is often shown wearing a blue robe or cloak. This is because in addition to being a highly nurturing and healing presence, She is also a representative of Grace and Forgiveness. Whereas Excalibur, the flaming cobalt-blue sword of Archangel Michael, is a symbol of Lord Michael’s mission of anchoring eternal Justice and right-mindedness. A Truth-seeking desire to apply compassion and empathy to all life situations, while adhering to Universal Law, Divine Will, and Divine Justice. The Blue Dragons also work to spread the Wisdom of the crystalline energies on Earth and throughout the galaxies. The Crystal Beings of that network speak via tonal vibration and telepathic transmissions, offering healing energies and higher learning. They are the Light that speaks. They also work on behalf of the Goddess of Peace intergalactically. This requires connection to the higher levels of Grace, where ego-based war and other conflict, and the theft of natural elements, do not occur. And so on Earth, the Blue Dragon tribe supports positive social movements, as well as creative, academic, and spiritual growth and awareness. They offer wise counsel to many in the etheric energies that all of you travel in at night as you serve in your Earth missions. They also counsel government leaders (often having shape-shifted to less intimidating forms), as do Ascended Masters, and those officers of the Ashtar Command assigned to represent the Command and allied organizations dedicated to establishing Peace in your galaxy. Those groups and persons are one great reason why far greater destruction has not been allowed to occur on your planet. Dragons work in many ways to assist Earth and Her beings. Earth work is often taken up by the tribes that seek to ensure safety for Earth by guarding Her skies. They also help cleanse the air and soil by transmuting the darker, more injurious chemicals that are unleashed there. Many days, these Dragons meld their appearance with that of the Sun’s rays. Though your air is polluted in many places, it would be far worse so, were the Yellow Dragon tribes to cease assisting the planet. The Yellow Dragons also strongly support the elemental spirits. Though not directly birthed on the Angelic planes, these beings are nevertheless energetic descendants of the Angelics. Elemental beings are made of a finer material than that of humans, due to their bodies being more etheric and less grounded in physicality. Oftentimes, the associations you make with certain colors can also explain our jobs—the Orange and Brown tribes work to cleanse Earth’s rocks and soil, and to keep portals open to Inner Earth. Some Earth beings have chosen in this life to experience Inner Earth, even if only for a short time.

Many beings of high vibration, whether visible to you or not, will use those portals to move easily and quickly from one part of the Earth to another. Or to visit friends and colleagues in Telos or elsewhere in Inner Earth. 

Trees live in tribes and clans just as people, elementals, animals, and Dragons do.

The Emerald Green Dragon tribe has especially been called upon to assist Earth in keeping Her processes in balance, and in purifying Her elements, so as to bless and preserve plant life. They especially support trees and crops, as well as the soil, air, and water that support all plant life. The Green Dragons know well the energetic languages and telepathic symbols that plants communicate in. These have a tonal vibration of great beauty. Trees live in tribes and clans just as people, elementals, animals, and Dragons do. And so, the Green tribes and clans offer consult on what they feel would be most helpful to these ones and their well-being, doing all they can energetically to sustain the plants, crops, and forests in their ongoing service to Earth life. The Green Dragons are also powerfully involved in natural healing. They have for thousands of years spoken with Indigenous and intuitive healers of many nations, advising and guiding as needed, whether in spirit or physical form. This has given the Green tribe a higher intuitive connection to Earth and the cosmos, in ways that may be used to heal not only people, plants, and animals, but all of Gaia, including Her planetary atmosphere and overall vibration. Most assuredly, all of these beautiful Earth beings draw their food from the Light of your Sun, and serve the Earth! As with the Dragon tribes, they stand for Truth and beauty, and for the sheer Joy of being alive and in physical form. Consciously or not, each growing presence lives in service to the higher order and the higher planes. The Gray Dragon tribe has been called to work with the air so as to keep the winds and storms in support of Earth’s processes. They face a great challenge in these times due to the trails of chemicals spread throughout your skies, and the manufactured storms created for devastation and “clearing” of land and populations. Nevertheless, they stand strong in their duties. They have many times reduced the severity of a great storm, fire, hurricane, earthquake, tsunami, and other disruptions. All of you, with your imaging and applying of energy work, have done the same . . .

Copyright Caroline Oceana Ryan 2025 If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting in full, and exactly as you find it here, without edits or excerpts, and including the link to the original post, at Thank you.

Your Preorder Gifts Await You! The Spirit of the Dragon Tribes is available for Preorder (Kindle version) now on Amazon!   Go here to learn about the Free Gifts available now, when you Preorder the book -- Preorder the Kindle version anytime from Sunday, February 23, 2025 till 11 PM Eastern Time on Thursday, February 27, 2025. Then forward your Amazon receipt to and you will be sent the link to your Preorder Gifts! The book will be in your Kindle library when it releases on Friday, February 28. I realize that Friday, February 28 is an Economic Boycott day. So if you prefer, wait till Saturday or later to order. The Preorder Gifts still apply, through Friday, March 7 -- just email your Amazon receipt to No Kindle? No problem! Just go here to download the Kindle app onto your cellphone or computer.


The Preorder Gifts are also available when you order the paperback version -- available starting Friday, February 28 (when the book releases) till 11 PM Eastern Time on Friday, March 7, 2025. Just forward your Amazon receipt to and you will be sent the link to your Preorder Gifts!

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