Here you’ll travel with your guides, Angels, and higher self into the beauty of fifth dimensional Earth.
You’ll meet with a very high being — a Master of Manifesting who is here to help you move to the next level.
You’ll absorb the energies of this Wise Being and their Abundance crystal, as you:
Rinse your energies clear of belief in lack and scarcity
Release the intergenerational beliefs from all the families you have ever been part of, in all directions of time, that have stopped you from demonstrating Abundance
Connect energetically with the wisdom and Abundance consciousness of this Wise Being
Forgive money for whatever you have blamed it for
Bond with the energies of Abundance
Music (“Sea of Light”) by Thaddeus, an Angelic being channeled by Sanaya Roman of Used by permission.
AS203 – Healing Your Relationship With Money
Individual Guided Meditation – MP3 Format