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Image by Francesco Ungaro


Reclaim Your Power - Become Your Higher Self - Co-Create With Ease

In these challenging times, as Ascension energies and powerful solar Light rays pour onto the planet . . .

We are facing unprecedented changes to all our energy bodies.

The Abundant Living program is here to help you gracefully travel those shifts through greater self-empowerment.

Join us as we use energy processes, meditations, and visualizations to create greater healing and fulfillment in every area of life, via the active energetic support and wisdom of the Collective

and our Spirit teams.

This is high-level guidance to help you manifest improved life conditions, breakthroughs in your personal and spirit growth, and manifest higher good

You can discover and celebrate your authentic self, and your own co-Creative power, no matter what's happening on the planet or in your own life.

The video below is an example of how the Collective work with people in the Abundant Living Program.

Answers to subscribing members tend to be longer and far more in-depth, with issues addressed in an ongoing way.


But the video will give you an idea of how both group and individual channeling sessions work.

And this guided meditation MP3 is here to offer you some support at this time of great shift and change on the planet: 

I AM Always Provided for - Abundance in Times of TransitionThe Collective - Caroline Oceana Ryan, channeler
00:00 / 16:08
Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 5.01.54 PM.png
Image by Todd Cravens

It's Time to Dissolve the Old Blockages . . . 

For thousands of years, people have believed that an unfulfilling life full of hardship and self-denial was the only way of life open to them.

Even the privileged and well-off carried layers of trauma, narrow ancestral beliefs, sworn vows and commitments, etheric implants, dense family beliefs training, religious programming, fears due to abuse or wrong teachings.

All of this results in a subconscious full of dense patterns, energy blockages, and expectations of lack -- and all of which is coming up to be healed in the current solar Light rays pouring onto the planet.

As we work to feel better about life, gigantic energy blocks can suddenly appear.

Blocks that affirmations, therapy, and outer actions, though helpful, can never completely dissolve.

Yet now is the time to move forward, and to release the third dimensional restrictions of mind, heart, and spirit and move to a higher level.

Time to Reclaim Your Mastery 

The work done during the Abundant Living podcast and members' weekly or monthly group channelings dives into all this, dissolving the blocks and making way for positive co-Creations.

The response to the Collective's work in this program has been tremendous.

Many have offered testimonials saying how much they’ve been helped and inspired by the Collective's insights and energy work. (See below - "What people are saying . . . ")

All Abundant Living events, activations, meditations, and videos concentrate on healing those areas that Light Bearers, when surveyed, have identified as their biggest blockages in life.

Image by Randall  Ruiz
Image by TJ Fitzsimmons

 Now is the time to:

  • Feel worthy and deserving of a joyful, fulfilling life, receiving healing and expansion in an ongoing way

  • Open to receive guidance on the life work you chose before incarnating, and on creating the perfect income for you

  • Create fulfilling relationships, homes, and good health with greater ease and flow—getting clear on what Abundant Living is for you


  • Receive energetic support for your dreams, visions, Earth mission, and Ascension path

  • Find the forms of co-Creation that work best for you—communicating effectively with the spirits of Money & Abundance, Love, Good Health, and the essence of your Life Purpose

  • Moving into the vibration of appreciating these even when the in-flow appears stopped up or stagnant

The Abundant Living program, formerly known as the Abundance Group, is the perfect place for group-based support that serves each individual group member, offering powerful wisdom and energy work for members' individual paths and the group as a whole. 

Image by samsommer

Join us for
The Abundant Living Podcast

Watch "The Abundant Living Podcast"

Energy work, healing meditations, interviews, and Angel card readings 

Posted on YouTube
Twice a Month

Subscribe to this website to be notified of
New Podcast Episodes on
Caroline Oceana Ryan's YouTube Channel

Subscribing Members of the Abundant Living Program receive beautiful benefits -- See Below!
The Abundant Living Program - Membership Benefits 
Silver Member Benefits

Silver Membership is a solid way to begin, expand, or strengthen your journey into a more empowered and fulfilling life. 

As a Silver Member, you will receive:

1. ​A recorded monthly channeling MP3 with:

  • Answers your and other members' question for the month

  • All energy work extended to all members, whether you sent in a question for that month or not

2. Links to all Abundant Living podcast videos

  • Energy-embedded teachings, meditations, interviews, and energy work

​3. Empowering ebooks and guided meditation MP3s


  • Stored in your Members portal

Image by Jimmy  Chang
Image by Ashley Batz

Your Questions Answered:

The Monthly Personal Message Channelings

[$60 Value]

At the end of each month, for 10 months out of the year, send in one question you have on any life issue, for the Collective and your Spirit team to answer. 

You will then receive in your Members Portal an MP3 with the channeled answer, full of wisdom and empowering energy work for that issue.


The Collective and your Spirit team can provide real energetic support and solid answers on a wide range of issues, including:

  • Healing trauma from this and other lives

  • Releasing old soul contracts

  • Ending past life vows of poverty, chastity, seclusion, self-negation

  • Connecting you with loved ones who have passed

  • Connecting you with the spirits of loved ones on the Earth whom you're having problems with, so you can know what's happening with them and address it with the Collective's help, on a deep level 

  • Overcoming past life patterns of slavery and servitude, including over-giving, fear of wealth, fear of expansion, fear of authority figures, catastrophic loss, and other traumatic experiences 

This is a group channeling, so other Members' questions and the channeled answers are also included in each monthly recording.

Many reap real benefits from hearing the answers to other people's questions, as well as their own.

The energy work offered in each answer extends to all Silver Members, whether you have sent in a question that month or not.

Members who wish to request energy work for a difficult situation  have ongoing email access to Caroline, to request that an issue or person be placed in the Circle of Light for energetic assistance.

The Personal Message Channelings recording is offered every month except August and December. 

For info on how Channeling Sessions work,
go here.

Discounts on Private
Channeling Sessions

[Savings of up to $75 per session, depending on length of session]

As a Silver Member, you are entitled to a discount on all private channeling sessions you book with the Collective.

To receive your discount, simply use the PayPal button for the session that is one length shorter than the session length you prefer. 

So if you would like a 45-minute session, choose the PayPal button for the 30-minute session. For an hour session, choose the PayPal button for the 45-minute session, and so on.

This also extends to sessions that you book for loved ones.

Image by Dave Hoefler

Gold Membership

Image by Luke Besley

Gold Member Benefits

Gold Membership offers a higher level service, with weekly live and recorded energy work and channeled answers to your questions.

As a Gold Member, you will receive (live and in your Members Portal):

  • A weekly channeled (and recorded) answer to your personal question on any issue, via a group Zoom Call

  • Weekly energy work extended to you and all members, on all issues presented in the Calls, and for your life path and soul growth

  • A monthly energy work session on issues of the group's choosing

  • Empowering ebooks and guided meditation MP3s in your Members Portal

  • Each Abundant Living Podcast video posted in your Members Portal

All backed by empowering energy work to assist you in having a more Joyful, Abundant, fulfilling life. 

A Weekly Live, Channeled Answer & Energy Work for
Your Personal Questions

[$325/month value]

Once a week, for 42 weeks a year, enjoy a live, beautifully supportive Gold Member Group Q&A on Zoom.

The Gold Member Group Zoom Calls are held on Tuesdays and on Wednesdays, starting at 4:00 PM Pacific / 7:00 PM Eastern. 

Members are scheduled for either the Tuesday or the Wednesday Call.

Those who can't be present on either Call simply email in their question for that week. 


The Collective answer those questions with as much seriousness and input as they answer the questions from those present on the Call. 

These are laser channeling sessions / spiritual life coaching in a group environment. 

In response to your question, the Collective will call in your Spirit team, offering their own and your team's higher insights, guidance, and potent energy work.

Each live Zoom call answers each Member's question. This way, all can benefit from the Collective's wisdom and energy work in each answer.

No more than 8 members are present on any one Call. 

You will benefit from:

  • The wisdom and support of the answers and energy work for your own issues, as well as  the answers and energy work offered to your fellow Members

  • Specialized energy work for each issue, whether you are present on the Call or have emailed in your question for that week

  • After each Call, the energy-embedded MP3 recording is posted in your Gold Members Portal for you to access at any time

The Calls are held 42 weeks a year (3 or 4 weeks a month).

The live Calls are accessible by phone or internet. See below for joyful Gold Member testimonials!

To learn more about how channeling sessions work (group or individual), see the Channeling Sessions page.

Over a month's time, answers & energy work equal a one-hour channeling session -- a value of $325 per month. 

Image by Hadija Saidi
Meditation Class

Once-A-Month Energy Session

[$150 Value]

Once a month, the live Gold Members Q&A Zoom Call begins with an energy work session.

The session can include energy clearings and activations, Tapping (EFT), affirmations, and live channelings to help you release energy blocks and create a higher level of life experience.

The topic can change every few months, per the group's preference.


As the session occurs at the start of that day's Q&A, the MP3 replay for that day contains the energy session, as well as the Q&A portion. 

Topics can include:


  • Releasing Extra Body Weight 

  • Learning How to Receive

  • Improving Self-Love and Self-Esteem

  • Healing Past Pains & Grievances - Forgiveness of Ourselves and Others

  • Moving into Receiving Mode with the Energy of Money, improved Health, Love and positive relationships, and other life issues 

  • Other topics, per group requests

Discounted Private
Channeling Sessions

[Savings of up to $75 per session, depending on length of session]

All Gold and Platinum Members are entitled to a discount on all private channeling sessions you book with the Collective.

To receive your discount, simply use the PayPal button for the session that is one length shorter than the session length you prefer. 

So if you would like a 45-minute session, choose the PayPal button for the 30-minute session. For an hour session, choose the PayPal button for the 45-minute session. If you pay for an hour session, you will receive a 75-minute session.

This also extends to sessions that you book for loved ones.

Image by Fuu J

Platinum Membership

Platinum Member Benefits

The newest offering in the A L Community, Platinum Membership offers one of the highest level of services that Caroline and the Collective are offering at this time.

Platinum Members enjoy all of the benefits that Gold Members receive, with more time spent on each person in the weekly Q&A Call, due to the smaller group size.

You will enjoy: 

  • Weekly live channelings in a very small group setting -- 5 people or less in each group channeling session (held via Zoom call)

  • A monthly energy work / teaching session

  • Supportive ebooks and meditations embedded with higher energies

  • A complimentary once-a-year private channeling session

All backed by empowering energy work to assist you in moving your vibration to a higher level, where a more Joyful, Abundant, fulfilling, empowered experience becomes your everyday life! 

Image by Wonderlane

Weekly Live Channeled Answers &
Energy Work for Two Questions

[$575/month value]

Once a week, for 42 weeks of the year, enjoy a live, beautifully supportive, small group Q&A Call on Zoom.

The Collective and your Spirit team answer two questions that you have either emailed to Caroline, or that you ask on the live Call.

This is laser one-on-one support offered in a small group setting. Questions can address any life issue.

As in private sessions, the Collective call in each person's Spirit team, offering their own and your team's higher insights and guidance, backed by potent energy work.

Each live Zoom call answers each Member's questions, so that all can benefit from the Collective's wisdom.

Many find it invaluable to hear the guidance offered to others, as often, group members share very similar challenges, life issues, and Earth missions. 

The Platinum group settings is intentionally kept small for maximum assistance for each member. As more people join, another Call will be added as needed. 

You will benefit from:

  • Higher wisdom and guidance from your Spirit team of Spirit guides, Angelic guardians, and higher self for whatever issues you have questions about

  • Specialized energy work sent to you for each issue, whether you are present on the Call or have emailed in your question

  • After each Zoom Call, the energy-embedded MP3 recording is posted in your Platinum Members Portal for you to access at any time

  • Additional email access to Caroline as needed, for difficult issues or life events

The Calls are held 42 weeks a year (3 or 4 times a month), accessible by phone or internet. 

Over a month's time, the answers and energy work equal a one-hour channeling session, plus a 45-minute session -- a value of $575 per month. 

To learn more about how channeling sessions work (group or individual), see the Channeling Sessions page.

Platinum Member Benefits

Platinum Membership offers a very high level of service, with weekly live and recorded energy work and additional channeled answers to your questions.

As a Platinum Member, you will receive (live and in your Members Portal):

  • A weekly channeled (and recorded) answer to two personal questions on any issue, on the group Zoom Call

  • A monthly teaching and energy work session on issues the group has chosen 

  • A complementary 45-minute private channeling session each year, plus discounts on any additional sessions booked for you or a loved one

  • Links to all Abundant Living Podcasts on YouTube, plus

  • Empowering ebooks and meditation MP3s in your Members Portal

  • Each Abundant Living Podcast video posted in your Members Portal

All backed by empowering energy work to assist you in having a more Joyful, Abundant, fulfilling life. 

Image by Hoang M Nguyen

Once-A-Month Energy Session

[$150 Value]

Once a month, the live Platinum & Gold Members Q&A Zoom Calls are preceded by an energy work session.

This can include energy clearings and activations, Tapping (EFT), affirmations, and live channelings to help you release energy blocks and create a higher level of life experience.

The topic changes every few months, per group preference.


The session occurs at the start of the day's Q&A, so the MP3 replay for that day contains the energy work portion of the Call, as well as the Q&As. 

Topics can include:


  • Releasing Extra Body Weight 

  • Learning How to Receive

  • Improving Self-Love and Self-Esteem

  • Healing Past Pains & Grievances - Forgiveness of Ourselves and Others

  • Moving into Receiving Mode with the Energy of Money, improved Health, Love and positive relationships, and other life issues 

  • Other topics, per group requests

Yoga at Home

A Once-A-Year Private Channeling Session

[$250 Value]

As a Platinum Member, you are entitled to receive a complimentary, once-a-year, 45-minute private channeling session with the Collective -- in addition to receiving a discount (see above) on any other sessions you book for yourself or a loved one.

Caroline will contact you to schedule your session after you have completed a minimum of three months as a group member. 

For information on how private sessions work (which also explains much of how group channeling sessions work), see the Channeling Session page.

Image by Josh Boot

All Memberships Receive . . . 

Special Energy Work from
The Abundant Living podcast . . .  

[$150 Value]

Offered twice a month on YouTube, all Subscribing Members receive the supportive energy work, whether you watch the podcast or not. 


Other benefits include: 

  • Abundance teachings from Caroline and from the Collective, offering proven prosperity principles, and higher energies to support you in challenging times

  • Tapping to release Abundance blocks, including stress, fear, or feelings of unworthiness (with written Tapping scripts provided)

  • Guided meditations and visualizations offered by the Collective that assist you in tapping into your own higher wisdom and healing from the energy blockages taken on in this and other lives

  • Higher assistance from the Ascended Masters, Archangels, and Angelic legions, the White Dragons, and Faery realm

  • Angel Therapy card or Tarot card readings on specific issues

  • Energy clearings to remove trauma, energy and entity interferences, implants, ancestral interference, and Abundance blocks, including those that are holding you back from fulfillment in health, relationships, finances, or your life work.

  • Empowering energies geared exactly to the needs of those on the call or those listening to the replay, to assist you on your life path and Ascension journey

The YouTube link to each podcast is posted in all Members Portals.

Image by Tim Cooper
Plus . . . 

Circle of Light Energy Work

All Subscribing Members receive ongoing energy work from the Collective and your Spirit team each day on any issues you have presented for them to work on, as well as a magnifying of all your higher intentions.

Podcast Videos

All Abundant Living Podcast videos are posted in each Member Portal twice a month 

New Abundance Videos and Guided Meditation MP3s 

You will automatically receive any new MP3s or ebooks from the Collective having to do with Abundance, including their newest book on Abundance, Messages from the Spirits of Abundance.

A Loving & Supportive Facebook Community

Join the active and encouraging Abundance Group Facebook page.

Enjoy uplifting posts, add a few of your own, meet new friends, or request support from the Collective and from our community members on any issue, whenever needed.

Image by Ashley Batz

What people are saying about Abundant Living Membership . . . 

Valerie - for APL Webpage.jpg

"I can’t imagine life now without our weekly healing meetings and having my questions answered by The Collective. 

I started as a Gold member monthly, then found how invaluable our weekly work was, both personally and as a group, for changing our lives in practical, positive and abundant ways. 


Next I signed up for a year as a New Gold member. It turned out to be the most loving, healing and life changing investment I could have made for myself, my loved ones and humanity. So much has shifted for me, so much has healed. I have learned so much and continue to grow each week we are together.

Today I signed up for a year as a Platinum Member, because nothing I’ve ever done spiritually or metaphysically for the past decade has brought me the real life changes I was looking for as my work has in our group with Caroline and the Collective. 

I just have so much gratitude in my heart for Caroline’s work.

"Once you join even one meeting, you’ll know what I mean when I say, 'Thank you, Caroline, the work you do for us all at such an affordable price is truly a gift to humanity!'"

Valerie, Platinum Member, California

When you become a subscribing Silver Member, you'll find these Sign-Up Gifts in your Members Portal, as part of your Welcome . . .

Empowering Meditations / Energy Activations and Ebooks

[Value: $66]

  • The “Creating What You Desire by Working With Energy” meditation/manifestation tool MP3 - Learn the energetic process by which we manifest outer forms, whether sums of money, improved income, a new home, a new job, or other outer situations


  • “Opening to Receive” guided meditation MP3 - Release the blockages that hold you back from receiving your higher good, including doubts or fears about what you deserve or are able to create


  • “Allowing Abundance to Flow in Every Area of Your Life” guided meditation MP3 - One of the Collective's most popular MP3s, this process works with your higher self to help you open to accepting increasing levels of ease, flow, and wealth 


  • The ebook The Collective Speak on Following Your Intuition - Easy-to-learn, on-the-spot techniques to hear what your guides and higher self are saying

  • The Collective’s most popular book Abundance For All [PDF format] - This Amazon bestseller explains why money and other Abundance forms feel so hard to come by -- and how we can heal from false beliefs, lack consciousness, and a feeling of smallness, and step into our power [PDF format] 

  • The most recent channeled book, Messages from the Spirits of Abundance, featuring Abundance wisdom and guidance from higher beings such as the Lord of Gold and the goddesses Fortuna and Lakshmi, who answer a Light Bringer's question in each chapter.

Image by Blake Verdoorn
When you become a subscribing Platinum or Gold Member, you'll receive these Sign-Up Gifts in your Members Portal, as part of your Welcome . . .

Empowering Meditations / Energy Activations and Ebooks

Image by John Mccann
[Value: $76]
  • The “Creating What You Desire by Working With Energy” meditation/manifestation tool MP3 - Learn the energetic process by which we manifest outer forms, whether sums of money, improved income, a new home, a new job, or other outer situations


  • “Allowing Abundance to Flow in Every Area of Your Life” guided meditation MP3 - One of the Collective's most popular MP3s, this process works with your higher self to help you open to accepting increasing levels of ease, flow, and wealth 

  • “Releasing Old Earth Density” guided meditation MP3 - In this meditation journey, embedded with energies of healing and release, you will be guided to release all that is no longer for your higher good, including old 3rd dimensional Earth beliefs and energy patterns

  • “Transmuting Painful Experiences” guided meditation MP3 - Release the need to hold grudges, feel like a victim, or remain in density about old painful moments and situations, as you move to a higher vibration and view your life from a higher stance

Platinum Members also receive:

  • “Meeting Your Soul Family and Twin Flame” and the "Living Your Life Purpose" guided meditation MP3s


  • The ebook The Collective Speak on Following Your Intuition - Easy-to-learn, on-the-spot techniques to hear what your guides and higher self are saying

  • The Collective’s popular book Earth Life Challenges: The Collective Speak on Dealing with Trauma and Life Changes [PDF format] - Timely and potent, each chapter answers the question of a Light Bringer going through very hard life situations and seeking to know Why, and how they can cope. The Collective answer each one with compassion, higher wisdom, and healing energies that lift them above the density of their circumstances, and remind them of their higher purpose.

  • The Collective’s most popular book Abundance For All [PDF format] - This Amazon bestseller explains why money and other Abundance forms feel so hard to come by -- and how we can heal from false beliefs, lack consciousness, and a feeling of smallness, and step into our power [PDF format] 

  • The most recent channeled book, Messages from the Spirits of Abundance, featuring Abundance wisdom and guidance from higher beings such as the Lord of Gold and the goddesses Fortuna and Lakshmi, who answer a Light Bringer's question in each chapter.

So if you’re ready to take your journey to the next level . . .

Abundant Living Membership may be for you!

Being a subscribing member of this beautiful community is about shifting your life energy to where you

expand into your highest dreams and your empowered, co-Creative self—your higher self.

It will mean you are willing to both Give and Receive, breaking through the ceiling on what you consider to be possible for you, learning practical energy-shifting methods you can use easily, and shifting your vibration

and consciousness to flow with Universal laws.

So when you’re ready to take your vibration and life experience to a whole new level—and willing to do

the processes that that kind of growth and healing require, even if only for 10 minutes a day . . .

Becoming a subscribing member of the Abundant Living community can be a life-shifting, positive move for you . . . 

You can sign up for one month at a time, or for special savings, sign up for three months, six months, or the next 12 months.

There's no contract, so you can cancel your monthly payment anytime, by simply canceling your PayPal auto-payment.

We're here, whenever you are ready to bring in the changes that so many have experienced as empowering and paradigm-shifting . . . 

Got questions? Just email Caroline at, and she will answer your email as soon as possible!

30-Day Money Back Guarantee: If after 30 days of any level of membership, you are not satisfied with the program, we will refund your payment, no questions asked. 

Monthly subscriptions can also be canceled at any time. Simply sign in to your PayPal account and cancel the monthly auto-payment from there.


- Best Value - 

[Total Value: $1,267/month]




[Total Value: $550/month]




[Total Value: $201/month]

Ideal for highly personalized, laser channeled guidance, transformative energy work, and advanced prosperity teachings, and 

special videos

Ideal for extensive energy work,

weekly live channeled answers, proven prosperity methods, and special guidance videos

Ideal for beginning your Abundant Living journey with monthly channeled answers, energy work, and

special guidance videos

Save 10% with a 3-month Platinum subscription


[Total Value: $3,801

Save 10% with a 3-month Gold subscription


[Total Value: $1,650]

Save 10% with a 3-month Silver subscription


[Total Value: $603]

Save 10% with a 6-month Platinum subscription


[Total Value: $7,602]

Save 10% with a 6-month Gold subscription


[Total Value: $3,300]

Save 10% with a 6-month Silver subscription


[Total Value: $1,206

Save 10% with a 12-month Platinum subscription 

[Total Value: $15,204]

Save 10% with a 12-month Gold subscription

[Total Value: $6,600]

Save 10% with a 12-month Silver subscription

[Total Value: $2,412]

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